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‘Sabah Umno leaders marginalised’
Published on: Friday, May 17, 2024
By: Nikko Fabian
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‘Sabah Umno leaders marginalised’
Jeffrey said the existing political landscape was shaped through collaborative efforts, and the exclusion of Umno members from key positions raised concerns regarding equitable representation within the government.
Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Umno defended the setting up of JKDM (Jawatankuasa Kemajuan Desa Madani) saying it is because the ruling GRS has dominated all state-level and grassroots positions, leaving Umno marginalised.

State Umno election director Jeffery Nor Mohamed said appointments to key committees, including the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) and the Community Development Leader Unit (UPPM), predominantly comprise Gabungan Rakyat Sabah members, while those affiliated with Umno were removed from their positions.

He was responding to GRS information chief Datuk Joniston Bangkuai who said the move was an affront to the establishment of Madani Village Development Committees (JKDM) in Sabah.

Joniston who is also Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Information chief, said the formation of JKDM in Kinabatangan could potentially serve as a “divide and conquer” strategy aimed at consolidating Umno’s influence in the region.

The JKDM initiative is by Rural and Regional Development Minister cum Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is also Umno President. The party in Sabah has several factions, including some aligned to the GRS State Government.

Jeffrey said the existing political landscape was shaped through collaborative efforts, and the exclusion of Umno members from key positions raised concerns regarding equitable representation within the government.

Our report on May 16, 2024.

Political Secretary to Sabah Umno chief Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin, Datuk Abdul Aziz Julkarnain said the Madani Village Community concept aimed at fostering understanding, cooperation and unity, as envisioned by the Federal Government.

 He said it was announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with a substantial allocation in Budget 2024, to improve economic conditions and alleviate poverty nationwide.

He said similar initiatives were being implemented in various states, with positive reception and use of allocated funds.

Abdul Aziz expressed disappointment in Joniston’s stance, particularly as an assistant minister in the GRS government, suggesting that political considerations may be overshadowing the genuine welfare concerns of the people.

He reiterated the importance of federal assistance in addressing economic challenges and poverty in Sabah, stressing the need for collaborative efforts to maximize the benefits of government initiatives for the well-being of the populace.

Meanwhile, Parti StarSabah Information Chief Datuk Jalumin Bayogoh raised concern over the recent formation of JKDM across all state constituencies in Sabah by Umno leaders.

In a statement Thursday, Jalumin questioned the need for these new committees given the existence of long-standing JKKK already appointed by the State Government to oversee development at the grassroots level.  

“We are not rejecting any genuine efforts for the development and progress of the people. However, we want the Government, leaders and people of Sabah to be respected. 

“The public is aware that Sabah already has an administrative system from the State level down to the village level, with the JKKKs playing a key role,” he said. 

He argued that if there are allocations intended for the development of local communities in Sabah, these should be channelled through the State Government and existing JKKKs rather than creating new parallel bodies.

“We want an explanation on the real purpose behind forming these JKDMs. If the intention is sincere, it should be done through the proper, established channels,” he said. 

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