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Hishammuddin to discuss Chinese air force's incursion at ASEAN-China special meeting
Published on: Saturday, June 05, 2021
By: Bernama
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Hishammuddin to discuss Chinese air force's incursion at ASEAN-China special meeting
Kota Kinabalu: Malaysian Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein (pictured) is to discuss the Chinese air force incursion incident with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi at the sidelines of the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers in China on Monday (June 7).

A statement from the Malaysian Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra) today said Hishammuddin will be leading the Malaysian delegation to the meeting in Chongqing, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations.

“All ASEAN Foreign Ministers and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, as well as the Secretary-General of ASEAN are expected to attend the Meeting,” the statement read.

During the Special Meeting, the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN and China will exchange views and explore collaborative ways and means in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, in addition to regional and international matters of common concern.

Hishammuddin is expected to hold a bilateral meeting with Wang Yi on the sideline to explore more substantive and dynamic partnership in areas including COVID-19 vaccines cooperation, infrastructure development, finance, digital economy, food production and high-tech agriculture.

It also where the two Ministers will discuss the best way forward in ensuring the incursion incident will not recur in the interest of maintaining peace and stability in South China Sea, and avoid any miscalculation or unintended consequences.

Malaysia on 3 June had summoned the China’s Ambassador in Kuala Lumpur, and handed over Malaysia’s protest note in response to the recent incident in Malaysia’s airspace off the coast of Sarawak.

On Monday, (May 31) 16 People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) aircraft were detected to have breached into the Malaysian Maritime Zone (MMZ), prompting the Royal Malaysian Air Force to scramble its jetfighters and Malaysia to hand over the stern diplomatic note.

Meanwhile, the same statement also said Hishammuddin will be attending the inaugural Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Antalya, Turkey slated from 18-20 June.

However, in between the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, the Foreign Minister will undertake working visits to Egypt, Kuwait and Qatar.

These visits, apart from reinvigorating and further strengthening relations also provide Malaysia the opportunity to highlight its unwavering support for the people of Palestine and its consistent position with regard to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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