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Sabah to step up anti-drug measures: Hajiji
Published on: Monday, May 13, 2024
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Sabah to step up anti-drug measures: Hajiji
“I believe MBS and its affiliated bodies are capable of being a protective factor for at-risk youth,” Hajiji said.
TAWAU: The Sabah Government will continue to work with the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) to further strengthen efforts in combating drug abuse, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. 

In line with KDN’s focus on national security and sovereignty, he said the state government would also give full support to initiatives that can reduce the problem in the state. 

Therefore, he wants all relevant agencies such as the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK), the Sabah Youth Council (MBS), federal and state agencies, the private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to work together to ensure drug prevention education programmes can be implemented, especially in high risk areas. 

“I am very concerned about the development plan for at-risk youth, especially in drug addiction.

I am aware of the empowerment of public awareness programmes on drug abuse among youth. 

“I believe MBS and its affiliated bodies are capable of being a protective factor for at-risk youth,” he said in conjunction with the AADK Bersama Masyarakat Program in conjunction with the 2024 Sabah State Anti-Drug Day Commemoration at the District Ceremonial Hall, Sunday. 

The text of his speech was delivered by Deputy Chief Minister III who is also a Minister Public Works, Datuk lr Shahelmey Yahya. 

The programme organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) through the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) aims to increase awareness and commitment in the entire community to work with the government in dealing with drug problems, especially in the State of Sabah.

Meanwhile, he said the state government takes seriously the efforts to develop human capital in the state, in line with the commitment to human capital development as one of the agendas in the Sabah Maju Jaya Development Plan.

“Human capital is an important asset in building the country’s future. However, problems related to drug abuse are often associated with the involvement of young people and youth. 

“Therefore, situations like this need to be addressed because young people are important human capital to lead this state in the future.

Therefore it is important to ensure that our young people are competent, innovative, resilient and have integrity,” he said. 

He said, to ensure that youths are protected from the threat of drugs and social diversion, several efforts have been outlined such as the Mudadi Youth Pioneer Programme under the Sabah Youth Council (MBS), aims to develop the talent and potential of youth as well as the development of entrepreneurship among at-risk youth. 

“This initiative can indirectly help marginalised and at-risk youth to function in the community. I also see the initiative of AADK and MBS to make the Family Recovery Support Group successful, very good,” he said. 

Earlier, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Tawau Narcotics Addiction Rehabilitation Center Construction Project site (PUSPEN) located at Batu 36, was completed. 

Regarding the event, Hajiji said that the establishment of Puspen in Tawau was an effort to provide facilities and access to drug-related treatment and rehabilitation programmes for those in need. 

“Well done and congratulations to everyone involved in this effort.

The proposed construction of a new Puspen in the state has started since 2019 and it finally became a reality when it was successfully gazetted last year. 

“Because this facility is only available in Papar, the journey between the west coast and the east coast of the state takes quite a bit of time. 

“With this facility, it makes it easier for those around the east coast to access comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation as offered in PUSPEN Papar,” he said.

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