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DAP queries why only it opposed Bill but not single Sabah, S'wak Minister
Published on: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Published on: Tue, Jun 13, 2017
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Kota Kinabalu: Sabah and Sarawak DAP questioned why not a single Sarawakian minister or deputy in Najib's administration opposed the controversial Tourism Tax Bill at the Federal Cabinet level.The party suspects the move by Sarawak BN to "boldly" confront a federal minister was a well-designed and well-scripted "wayang kulit" (shadow play) to drum up support for the ruling coalition in the Pujut by-election, as nomination day is scheduled for June 20.

"If Sarawak BN is sincere in fighting for the state's autonomy, they should convene an emergency state assembly sitting and pass a resolution to demand the return of power from federal jurisdiction to the state in the tourism sector," it said in a joint statement issued by its state secretaries Chan Foong Hin and Alan Ling.

In it's view, the move by Sarawak BN to withdraw from the Malaysian Tourism Board is merely a political stunt, as the federal agency had already closed down all its offices throughout the country in January for that very same reason – to avoid job duplication with state agencies in promoting tourist attractions.

That action, they said, was initiated by Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Nazri Aziz, who was also the senior BN/Umno Minister who started a spat with his Sarawak counterpart, Datuk Abdul Karim.

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"Sarawak BN will play up anti-Malaya sentiments and then maliciously label DAP again as a Malayan party in the by-election.

They stressed that DAP had been consistent in opposing the Bill but it was shoved down our throats in Parliament in the last sitting and passed at 5.05am on April 6, 2017.

"A number of DAP MPs including Seremban MP Anthony Loke and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng took part in the debate. DAP MPs opposed the Bill and stated our stand loud and clear during the debate," they said.

However, they said none of the BN Sarawak MPs spoke up. They explained that for any Bill to be tabled in Parliament, it must first be approved by the Cabinet.

"There are six Sarawak BN ministers in the Cabinet, including one from SUPP, and 5 deputy ministers.

Did they say NO to Najib and Nazri when it was proposed?"

"Fadillah Yusof, the Federal Minister of Works, has issued a press statement under the name of Sarawak BN Youth Chief, to slam Nazri for being rude and hurling insults at a Sarawakian Minister…did Fadillah oppose the Bill during the Cabinet meeting?" they asked.

Similarly with Sabah, they said, which has 6 ministers and 4 deputy ministers in Najib's Cabinet – none opposed it.

"The Sabah BN government said it needs to seek clarification before deciding on the Bill. What kind of clarification needs to be sought? Were they all sleeping?"
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