Tenom: Yayasan Bank Rakyat (YBR) channelled an allocation of RM237,000 through the Early Learning Assistance (BAP) programme to help students from B40 families to continue tertiary studies since January.
YBR Board of Trustees member Junik Bajit said the aid was to help students start their studies along with the necessary equipment.
Junik said this at the YBR celebration of 63 2022 SPM and STPM outstanding students from eight secondary schools around Tenom to help improve the students’ level of education.
The ceremony was held at Hotel Perkasa here on Friday and attended by YBR General Manager Syaiful Rizal Abdul Ghani and YBR Corporate Communications Department Manager Mohamad Ghazali Zainal Abidin.
In addition to certificates and incentives, Junik also presented the BAP to four students who are continuing their studies in Sabah to help ease their burden.
Junik said YBR was concerned and would continue to help promising students, especially those who are outside the city. “I hope the assistance can ease the burden of students and help further their studies and take their family’s socio economy to the next level.
“This effort is also one of the initiatives to ensure that the community gets the best education and helps to produce a more knowledgeable community, especially in Sabah,” he said.
He said the objective was also to help improve academics and motivate students to be more successful in the future.