SHENZHEN: Sabah offers vast investment and business opportunities for investors from China to thrive and succeed, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor during his maiden trade mission abroad in the east Asian nation.
"Sabah's strategic location and commitment to fostering economic growth have paved the way for remarkable investment prospects, mainly through our well-established industrial parks: the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP), the Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP), POIC Lahad Datu and POIC Sandakan," he said.
"These industrial zones, coupled with Sabah's natural advantages, created a multitude of investment opportunities. In 2022 alone, we've seen investments of USD 2.5 billion across 89 projects, promising to generate thousands of job opportunities."
Hajiji was speaking at the Global Chinese Economic and Technology Summit (GCET) at the Futian Shangri-La, here, tonight