Mon, 17 Feb 2025
RM300 million not end of the matter: Madingkir
Published on: Wednesday, December 06, 2023
Published on: Wed, Dec 06, 2023
By: Clarence Dol
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RM300 million not end of the matter: Madingkir
According to Abidin, among other strategies used by GRS here is to form a task force to discuss the strategies and also visit all the Pusat Daerah Mengundi in the area.
RANAU: The State Government will continue to push the Federal Government to keep its promises for Sabah as enshrined in the Constitution, said Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

The Paginatan Assemblyman said it is the right of every Sabah citizen as agreed in the MA63 Agreement.

“Therefore, regarding Sabah’s 40pc (tax revenue return) claim, we will consider the RM300 million mentioned as an interim payment.

“We do want the total amount of 40pc to be paid as stated in the constitution,” he stressed at a dialogue organised by the Paginatan PGRS Division Committee at Dewan Marakau. 

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The RM300m payment with marginal increase every year until 2027 is being paid pending discussion on a formula.

However, several MPs called a press conference in parliament to protest over the payment, insisting that the 40pc agreed under the Malaysia Agreement (MA63) is non-negotiable.

The GRS-led State Government of Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor earlier rejected a much smaller RM53.4m that was agreed to by the previous Warisan-Plus State Government.

This resulted in the amount being raised to RM300m.

He described the event as very important and the best initiative for GRS as a whole.

“The formation of GRS is to unify the people of Sabah who are members of many parties. 

“This is to unite the power of the people of Sabah to demand the rights of Sabah as enshrined in the Malaysian constitution.

“This event is the beginning of more meetings in the future. Thank you for the confidence given to the Star party as a pillar of GRS in Paginatan

“We must always remember that it is very important that there is cooperation among the GRS components to ensure the victory of the GRS candidate in Paginatan in the next State Election,” he said.

According to Abidin, among other strategies used by GRS here is to form a task force to discuss the strategies and also visit all the Pusat Daerah Mengundi in the area.

“We will hold a Star Party Tour in Ranau in January 2023 and will involve other GRS components,” said Abidin.

Meanwhile, Nominated Assembly member Datuk Amisah Yasin said the ceremony was the start of close cooperation between party components in GRS, especially in the Paginatan area.

“By holding a meeting like this, outsiders will see that GRS in Paginatan has unity and togetherness.

“The ruling of the central GRS so far states that the incumbents will remain representing their respective parties in the upcoming elections, and requests the leaders and supporters of the Star Party here not to listen to rumours that say otherwise.

“We must work together to win the GRS candidate. GRS Wanita in the Ranau area will move and strive to ensure that the GRS plus government will continue to rule Sabah after the upcoming PRN,” she said.

The programme’s Organising Chairman, Jamian Abd Manan, said the purpose of the meeting was to strengthen friendship between GRS Paginatan components to move together to face the upcoming elections.
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