Tuaran: The MyLesen programme, among others, is to help the B40 group, especially the less able, to obtain a B2 class motorcycle licence that is so important to expanding the mobility and job opportunities for this group to improve their socio-economic level, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.
Therefore, he said the State Government hopes more residents in Sabah, especially youths, will benefit from this programme through Budget 2024, which is expected to benefit 40,000 youths who are less able nationwide.
“The Federal and State governments always strive to introduce various initiatives to the society, especially in the aspect of transportation, because it is important to complete the economic chain of the surrounding population.
“This allows them the opportunity to improve the economy through interconnectedness with each other.
“The State Government hopes the MyLesen programme will continue next year,” he said in conjunction with the launch of the Tuaran District MyLesen B2 programme, here, Tuesday
He said Sabah gets a total of 500 quotas for the MyLesen B2 Programme involving two districts, namely Tuaran and Kinabatangan, and a total of 246 candidates who passed the Road Transport Department (JPJ) test obtained their licences on Tuesday.
Hajiji said the licence recipients on Tuesday were from the B40 group comprising beneficiaries of the Rahmah Cash Contributions, e-Kasih list, Persons with Disabilities (PwD) as well as zakat recipients.
“Through the MyLesen B2 programme, all training course modules and tests attended by candidates are equivalent to the existing regulations.
“This proves the JPJ’s commitment and continuous efforts in ensuring motorcyclists are competent,” he added.