Dry taps in Sipitang village for almost a week
Published on: Saturday, December 09, 2023
By: Ahmad Apong
Some can afford bottled water but it would be difficult for those without a steady income. They also need water for food and drinks, for bathing and cleaning…moreover mothers with newborns.
SIPITANG: Water consumers in Padang Berempah have been experiencing dry taps for almost a week.
A teacher who only wanted to be known as Jimmy said the teachers’ quarters were also experiencing the same problem.
ADVERTISEMENT “There is not much water left in the tank that could last only for one or two days, and this is worrying,” he said.
“How about villagers who do not have water tanks? They may have to resort to buying bottled water.
“Some can afford bottled water but it would be difficult for those without a steady income. They also need water for food and drinks, for bathing and cleaning…moreover mothers with newborns.”
Jimmy said the Water Department should be attentive and proactive in resolving this matter as it is troubling the locals.
ADVERTISEMENT “I hope leaders like Sindumin Assemblyman Datuk Dr Yusoff Yaccob and Sipitang MP Datuk Matbali Musah would direct the Water Department to be alert and responsive to the problem,” he said.
“Water rationing has to be done in Beaufort, especially in the Beaufort Sentral area, because the pipes are aligned in a sinking land area,” said the district water engineer.
ADVERTISEMENT The Department has applied for an allocation to replace the pipes, but it has yet to be approved.
A salon owner in Beaufort Sentral said he had to reject customers due to dry taps.
The problem also affected several restaurants in the area.
“We hope the Water Department will take the necessary actions,” they said.
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