Mon, 17 Feb 2025
Ujana Rimba: City Hall to repair damaged playground equipment
Published on: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Published on: Wed, Jan 17, 2024
By: Sidney Skinner
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Ujana Rimba: City Hall to repair damaged playground equipment
Landscaping staff in the midst of removing the ‘dangerous’ parts of the playground equipment at Ujana Rimba Tropika.
CITY Hall will have repairs made to the damaged playground equipment at Ujana Rimba Tropika and have dealt with the irregularities involving the signage on the grounds.

This follows separate feedback about the poor condition of the former amenities, as well as the unsuitable height of some of the anti-litter signs put up around the park.

The father, who was unhappy about the playground equipment, said the sharp protrusions, left behind by missing fixtures, could potentially harm or injure the children for whom these amenities were intended.

The hazardous protrusions and holes with sharp edges, in the playground equipment at the park, are shown above. 

An elderly jogger, meanwhile, felt that the call to refrain from disposing of one’s rubbish indiscriminately was literally going over the heads of many of the public as the message on these signs was not in their line of sight.

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Their observations were forwarded to the agency.

A spokesman for City Hall’s Landscaping Department said its staff went to Ujana Rimba Tropika shortly afterwards.

“They confirmed that rust had caused holes to form in some of the hand-holds on the playground equipment, while others had completely eroded away,” he said.

“Sharp pointed bits of metal had been left behind where the hand-holds had been.

“Our personnel also noted that the edges of the holes in the hand-holds could cut little fingers.”

He said the agency’s personnel immediately set about removing the dangerous sections of the affected playground equipment.

“We will have these fixtures replaced once we manage to source the necessary spare parts.

“This could prove difficult. The playground equipment was first set up at the Park years ago and this particular model may no longer be in production.”

Nevertheless, the spokesman said, City Hall would arrange to give these amenities a face-lift at some point this year.

“A fresh coat of paint will be applied to those metal fixtures which need it and more effective repairs will be carried out where it is warranted.

“We have three big playground sets at public parks, including Ujana Rimba Tropika, which are under our jurisdiction.”

He said smaller sets were sited at 24 residential properties around Kota Kinabalu, which received similar attention from the agency.

He said checks were made of this equipment twice annually.

The newly adjusted poles should make it easier for the public to read the warnings.

“Maintenance is performed on these amenities as and when it is deemed necessary.”

EDD of Luyang said many parents were reluctant to allow their children to use the playground at Ujana Rimba Tropika as the equipment was damaged and rusty.

“The state of the equipment appears to be deteriorating. These amenities are so run down that the paint on them has peeled away in many places,” he said.

“Bits of metal protrude from some of the equipment and youngsters can easily injure themselves on the sharp edges while scrambling up these structures.”

Edd hoped City Hall would take the potential hazards posed by these amenities seriously.

“The agency should be more proactive in looking after these public amenities and not allow them to fall into a state of disrepair.

“Will the agency accept liability if a youngster comes to harm because of the poorly maintained equipment?” 

In the case of the anti-litter warnings at the park, BENJIE of Penampang said the signs could not be read by most park-goers as they were too high up.

“The average adult is about 4.5 to 5.5feet tall but the signs are not on their eye level,” he said.

He said the warnings had been welded too far up on the poles. 

“You can’t even make out what is printed on the signs from a distance as the words are barely legible from afar.”

Benjie was under the impression that a lack of foresight was to blame for this situation.

“I cannot understand how the planning unit failed to take note of this.”

The height of the existing anti-litter signs was cut down.

The spokesman thanked the jogger for bringing this difficulty to City Hall’s attention.

“Landscaping staff took down the poles, on the same day that we learned about this problem, and had them cut down in height,” he said.

“The newly adjusted poles have since been put up which should make it easier for the public to read the signs.”
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