Mon, 17 Feb 2025
Identifying the site for sub-district office
Published on: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Published on: Tue, Feb 13, 2024
By: Iskandar Dzulkifli
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Identifying the site for sub-district office
Ruslan (left) and Matbali (right) presenting a box of Mandarin oranges to a Chinese trader.
BEAUFORT: The effort to upgrade the status of Lumadan to a sub-district has begun with the process of identifying the suitable location for its administrative centre.

Lumadan Assemblyman Datuk Ruslan Muharam said he had consulted with the Land and Survey Department (JTU) to identify strategic government reserve lands to realise the plan.

“We have also asked the JTU to identify suitable government reserve lands to develop a new township as the administrative centre of the proposed sub-district.

“We need a strategic area of ​​ at least 80 hectares and close to the Pan Borneo Highway,” he said when met during his Chinese New Year “Walkabout” programme here.

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Also present was Sipitang MP Datuk Matbali Musah.

Ruslan, who is also Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, said he had identified other locations if there is no suitable government reserve lands.

He said there are lands in Kampung Lingkungan, Bukau, Jaya Baru and Padas Valley owned by the Rural Development Corporation (KPD) and Borneo Samudera that meet that requirement.

“If the State Government agrees, it will certainly facilitate this noble effort and I expect this initial effort to take two years to complete,” he said.

Ruslan said the proposed Lumadan sub-district would further strengthen development in the area in line with nearby sub-district such as Menumbok in Kuala Penyu.

In addition, he said, the effort could also ease the burden on the Beaufort and Sipitang District Offices since Lumadan is large because it has two state and two parliamentary constituencies.

“The effort to increase development in Lumadan will be easier and planned when it is upgraded to a sub-district. This will also benefit the community.

“As a representative of the people, I have to be far-sighted and this initiative is one of my visions and missions to improve development in this area under the ‘Lumadan Sejahtera’ agenda.

“I hope that through this effort, I can provide a legacy and sustainable development that will be continued by the new leadership in this area in the future,” he said. 
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