TAWAU: A 45-year-old Filipino was sentenced to 30 years jail and ordered 12 lashes of the cane by the High Court here for trafficking 199.71gm of Methamphetamine last year.
Isnawi Sarawi pleaded guilty before Judge Datuk Duncan Sikodol to committing the crime at the roadside area of Kg Panji, Jalan Pantai, Lahad Datu at 3.30pm on Feb 1, 2023.
Isnawi was charged under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
The charge carries the death penalty or life imprisonment and shall, if not sentenced to death, be punished with whipping of not more than 15 lashes.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Hurman Hussain prosecuted while Isnawi was represented by counsel Vivian Thien.
Meanwhile, in KOTA KINABALU, a 32-year-old woman was fined RM400 by the Magistrate Court, Monday, for fraudulently having RM6,820 deposited into her account.
Salinah Abdul Wahid pleaded guilty before Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles to four counts of having the money belonging to Abdul Syamim Abdul Ghanie in her Bank Islam account in which she failed to give a satisfactory explanation on how she obtained them.
On each count, she was fined RM100 or two weeks’ jail.
Salina was charged with having RM1,100, RM 2,250, RM2,250 and RM1, 220, respectively, on Jan 8 at 9.13am, at the Polytechnic Commercial Centre, Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP).
She was charged under Section 22A (1) of the Minor Offences Ordinance which provides for a fine of up to RM100 or up to three months jail or both, on conviction.
Prosecuting Officer Inspector Kelvan Elson Maik told the court that the complainant had transferred the money to a bank account in Salinah’s name for the purchase of camera lens after seeing an advertisement on Instagram.
However, the complainant was asked to make another payment after completing four payments and then lodged a police report, said Kelvan.
Unrepresented, Salinah requested leniency, while Kelvan applied for an adequate sentence.