Sun, 16 Jun 2024



Time to focus on rare plants
Published on: Thursday, May 23, 2024
By: Mardinah Jikur
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Time to focus on rare plants
Jeffrey (fourth left) with others in a group photo.
TONGOD: Deputy Chief Minister I cum Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Minister Datuk Seri Jeffrey Kitingan encourages any district that organises the Kaamatan Festival to identify plants that are on the verge of extinction in their respective areas.

He said this is important to ensure that the plants do not die out and can be planted in Tenom or Tuaran through seedlings obtained from the districts involved.

The seedlings will be submitted to the Agriculture Department for planting.

“This effort is to ensure that the plant(s) can also be recognised by future generations and not become extinct,” said the State Kaamatan Festival Celebration Main Committee Chairman when met by the media after officiating the Tongod District-level Kaamatan Festival here, Saturday.

Dr Jeffrey also welcomed Kuamut Assemblyman Datuk Masiung Banah’s suggestion regarding the basic requirement to allow Unduk Ngadau participants to answer questions in their respective mother tongues instead of using only one language which is Kadazan because the participants are made up of various other ethnic tribes.

This includes the requirement for the questioners to translate the questions and the answers into the native language of the respective contestant and for the jury.

This will give a fair chance to compete and answer questions well in their mother tongue.

Meanwhile, Dr Jeffrey said the World Biodiversity Day celebration to be held on May 22 will focus on conservation and food security discussions with invited panels and international and local scientists.

He also wants the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) to be able to establish a sub-committee on water resources and the environment that is responsible for taking care of the river as a water source that needs to be preserved.

“Similarly, the role of young people is also important in maintaining the beauty of the environment,” he said.

Also present were his wife Datin Cecilia Edwin, Masiung, Telupid Assemblyman Datuk Jonnybone J Kurum and Tongod District Officer Anika Isty Norman, who is also the Chairman of the Tongod District-level Kaamatan Festival and Tongod Unduk Ngadau 2024. 

At the event, Masiung also handed over a red durian tree or known as Maraang among the people of Tongod.

Representatives from the Makiang tribe of Tongod also performed to welcome guests in addition to other interlude events.

In addition to Unduk Ngadau, the celebration this year was also made merrier with water sports competitions, Sabung Alali and Sugandoi.

This year saw Elviana Gunong crowned as Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan 2024 after beating 12 other finalists. 

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