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Four Myanmar nationals arrested over receipt with derogatory words
Published on: Thursday, May 23, 2024
By: Bernama
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Four Myanmar nationals arrested over receipt with derogatory words
GEORGE TOWN: Police have arrested four Myanmar nationals to assist in investigations regarding a receipt issued by a fast-food restaurant that allegedly contained words insulting Islam.

Penang police chief Datuk Hamzah Ahmad said the four, aged 19 to 67, were arrested at a durian orchard in Jalan Sungai Ara, near here, on May 16. They all possessed travel documents.

"They were arrested to help in investigations into the case and three of them, two men and a woman, are under remand until June 3.

"The 67-year-old man was remanded until May 20 and released on a police bail,” he told a media conference at the Penang police headquarters here today.

He said police had recorded statements from several individuals and would be questioning more people.

Hamzah said police are looking into various angles in their investigations as this case involved a sensitive issue.

Police have received 17 reports on the case, which is being investigated under Section 298 of the Penal Code and Section 14 of the Minor Offences Act.

At about 8 am on May 15, police discovered that a photo of the receipt had been uploaded on the X application, and subsequently, a report was received at 8.46 pm.

Investigations found that an order received by the fast-food restaurant at 5.05 pm on May 14 contained offensive words in the 'remark' or order note section.

Previously, a post featuring a photo of the receipt issued by a fast-food restaurant at Kenari Avenue here went viral on social media, with remarks touching on 3R (religion, race and royalty) issues in the 'remark' section by an individual who placed the order.

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