Regional support for co-ops urged
Published on: Tuesday, June 04, 2024
By: Mohd Izham Bin Hashim
Ewon presenting a memento to Khaled Al-Huneifat, accompanied by Mohd Ali and Abdelfattah while others look on.
JORDAN: The Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives, Datuk Ewon Benedick, urged all ministers and governments involved in cooperative development across the Asia Pacific region to prioritise initiatives that create an enabling environment for cooperative-to-cooperative (C-2-C) trade.
Speaking during the 11th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference (APCMC) in Jordan, he said by collectively supporting and championing these efforts, regional cooperation among cooperatives can be enhanced, leading to a substantial contribution in addressing food security challenges in the Asia Pacific region.
“Food security is a global and challenging issue to resolve, and Malaysia is no exception to the growing threat of rising food insecurity,” he said, adding that cooperatives can improve food security within the nation and across the Asia Pacific region, by establishing a cooperative network and fostering collaborations within this network.
He said the collective action among all stakeholders to prioritise and support cooperation among cooperatives, especially in providing conducive conditions for trade activities, will help the movement respond resiliently to the rapidly changing environment.
Sharing about the cooperative sector in Malaysia, he stated that it holds significant potential for advancing the country’s socioeconomic development and past accomplishments have demonstrated how policies within this sector have been refined to address uncertainties, particularly those stemming from external factors.
He said the success of cooperatives hinges on their capacity to adapt and thrive in an increasingly competitive business landscape, characterised by globalisation and market liberalisation.
He said in Malaysia, the cooperative sector falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development.
Two key agencies, the Malaysia Cooperative Societies Commission and the Cooperative Institute of Malaysia, collaborate to enhance the sector’s role in advancing Malaysia’s socio-economic growth.
Additionally, Angkasa, the apex cooperative body, represents the Malaysian cooperative movement nationally and internationally, playing a pivotal role in promoting cooperative values and principles.
The cooperative landscape in Malaysia has seen significant growth, with over 15,000 registered cooperatives and 7.2 million members contributing to the sector’s USD35.1 billion worth of assets and USD13.7 billion annual turnover, he stated.
On Malaysia Co-operative Policy 2030 (DaKoM 2030), he said this was introduced to guide the cooperative movement towards economic performance and social well-being, aiming to position cooperatives as a key driver of Malaysia’s socio-economic development.
Furthermore, the Cooperative Digitalisation Action Plan 2030 (DigiKOP2030) was launched in response to the digitalisation trends accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, aiming to drive a progressive and sustainable cooperative movement in Malaysia.
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