Kota Kinabalu: Kota Kinabalu has been ranked 391st out of 1,000 major cities worldwide, a placing better than other Malaysian cities such as Kuching, Seremban and Ipoh.
Other key cities of Malaysia include Kuala Lumpur (135th), Georgetown (351st) and Malacca (359th), among others, according to the Oxford Economics Global Cities Index 2024.
Oxford Economics, in their 113-page report, said cities are the driving force behind the global economy.
“They are the engines for national economic growth, centres for education and innovation, and seats of political power,” said the report led by Oxford Economics Director of City Services Mark Britton.
He said the index is measured around five categories: economy, human capital, quality of life, environment, and governance – an overall score will be normalised for each city.
From an environmental viewpoint, Kota Kinabalu ranks 140th based on its air quality, CO2 emissions intensity, temperature anomalies, rainfall anomalies and natural disasters.
“Scores in the governance category are calculated at the national level rather than the city level,” says Britton. Kota Kinabalu is ranked 334th for governance.
For the quality of life score, Kota Kinabalu is 386th. It is calculated based on internet speed, life expectancy, income per person, housing expenditure, recreation and cultural sites and income equality.
The city ranks 407th and 693rd for human capital and economics respectively.