KENINGAU: Good rapport among tennis associations, clubs and academies is vital for the development of the game in Sabah, according to Taren Sunil Manoharan, President of Kelab Tenis Remaja Sandakan (KTRS).
He was speaking to eager tennis parents and supporters at the 2nd leg of the Sabah Junior Tennis Tour organised by Sabah Tennis Association.
“When our kids themselves are excited and can’t wait to go for their tennis lessons and games, half the battle is won,” said Taren Sunil.
“I am confident that playing in tournaments will whet their appetite for even more tennis. I foresee much progress will be achieved with respect to the popularity of the game here in Sabah,” he said.
Among those present was Cikgu Mohd Rasyid Abd Ghani, founder and coach of Jomtenis Academy based in Keningau.
He took the initiative to set up a tennis academy in Keningau and has kept it going for 13 years using his own funds.
The academy currently has around 30 kids of various ages under his tutelage.
“I give credit to those people who start from scratch and take up the challenge of actually setting up a club or academy to promote and teach the game,” said Taren Sunil.
As a show of support Taren Sunil presented some tennis items to Cikgu Rasyid in the form of 15 junior tennis rackets, 2 multi-purpose tennis nets, 2 buckets of tennis balls and even a few footballs for fitness training.
For the record, Cikgu Rasyid’s team of juniors won 6 gold medals for Keningau at the tournament.
Taren Sunil encouraged all junior players to continue enjoying the game.
He also urged parents to keep supporting their kids in making tennis as their game of choice.