Primary schoolgirl with entrepreneurial spirit wins hearts...and also wallets
Published on: Friday, July 26, 2024
By: Jessie Lee
The girl, Hessa, brings soft cookies to school each day, which sell out quickly. (Photo: Facebook/Huspalita Hussain Arif)
Kota Kinabalu: A primary school student has captured hearts and wallets by selling homemade cookies at her school, earning up to RM300.
The story was shared on social media by her proud mother, Huspalita Hussain Arif, on Facebook.
The girl, Hessa, brings soft cookies to school each day, which sell out quickly.
"I am really surprised by what Hessa can do because she is usually very shy when it comes to trading,” Huspalita said.
However, Hessa recently considered stopping her sales due to the school head prefect threatening to report her to the teacher.
"I understand that because the students queue up outside the classroom to buy the cookies, but even some teachers have bought them,” Huspalita said.
Despite this, she encouraged her daughter to continue.
"It would be a loss to stop trading. It is amazing to see her entrepreneurial spirit at such a young age," she said, reminiscing about her own childhood selling sweet potato chips at school.
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