WWF-Malaysia lauds ban on plastics bags in Kota Kinabalu
Published on: Thursday, August 01, 2024
WWF-Malaysia said the 3B campaign is aligned with its Goal Number 8: No Plastic in Nature, which aims to reduce and reuse plastic and eliminate leakage of plastic into nature, especially from sensitive marine environments, such as Semporna, by strengthening the capacity of local coastal communities to address the plastic waste management problems and advocating for policies that reduce plastic waste while promoting sustainability and economic circularity.
Kota Kinabalu: WWF-Malaysia applauds the State Government’s commitment and move to reduce single-use plastic usage here through the “Bawa Beg Bah” (3B) campaign.
It said based on its analysis on Sabah’s plastic waste management, the pervasive use of single-use plastics and limitations in existing solid waste management systems highlight the challenges faced by the State Government in managing plastic pollution.
“The analysis reveals that plastic waste pollution in Sabah is influenced by opportunities for enhancement within the existing laws and policies.
“These include potential for more comprehensive provisions for waste minimisation and the development of a more integrated policy to facilitate effective waste disposal,” it said in a statement, Wednesday.
WWF-Malaysia said the 3B campaign is aligned with its Goal Number 8: No Plastic in Nature, which aims to reduce and reuse plastic and eliminate leakage of plastic into nature, especially from sensitive marine environments, such as Semporna, by strengthening the capacity of local coastal communities to address the plastic waste management problems and advocating for policies that reduce plastic waste while promoting sustainability and economic circularity.
“With the increasing amount of plastic waste ending up in our oceans, harming human and wildlife, and leaching toxins into our environment, the single-use plastic ban is not just an environmental necessity but also a moral obligation,” said Sophia Lim, Executive Director/CEO of WWF-Malaysia.
WWF-Malaysia is empowering local coastal communities to manage their own plastic waste through various capacity-building workshops.
“Up until June 2024, 3370.3kg of waste was removed through community waste management systems on Omadal and Larapan Island, in collaboration with community-based organisations - Wanita Pulau Omadal, Iskul Sama DiLaut and Larapan Youth Conservation Group,” it said.
However, WWF-Malaysia believes that immediate and concerted efforts from the Government and industries are required simultaneously to protect both human health and the environment.
“The time to act on single-use plastics is now, as WWF-Malaysia encourages the authority to prioritise our planet’s future by implementing a nationwide ban on single-use plastics.
“In conjunction with The International Plastic Free Month in July, the 3B campaign remains a step in the right direction towards the future of No Plastic In Nature.”
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