Sabah Women’s Advisory Council Forum on Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal August 15
Published on: Thursday, August 08, 2024
Dr Tarsiah (fifth left) presenting a souvenir to Tun Juhar (sixth right) while Toh Puan Norlidah (fifth right) and others look on.
Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Women’s Advisory Council (MPWS) will hold a Special Forum on the Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal (TAGS) on Aug 15.
Its Chairperson Datuk Dr. Tarsiah TZ Taman said it aims to create an understanding for the community about the issue of sexual harassment, in addition to increasing awareness of women’s protection laws.
ADVERTISEMENT “This forum will provide information on the anti-sexual harassment act and procedure.
“In addition to women, there are also men and university students who will participate in this forum because these cases of sexual harassment not only occur at the workplace but also in colleges and dormitories.
“This first time participation is by invitation, but if there are many more interested in knowing about TAGS, maybe we will do a roadshow after this depending on the budget,” she said, after a courtesy call on TYT, Tun Juhar Mahiruddin and consort, Toh Puan Norlidah R.M Jasni.
The purpose was to inform about MPWS activities and potential collaboration with Yayasan Nur Jauhar (YNJ) to empower women in Sabah.
ADVERTISEMENT “There are a number of projects underway, including the Women’s Leadership Academy, where we train young women in four categories namely government-linked companies (GLCs), grassroots, politics and also among female youths to become leaders of calibre.
“The second project is Creating Millionaires Among Young Women Entrepreneurs where we already have the third group,” Dr Tarisah said.
ADVERTISEMENT On behalf of MPWS, she hopes to get financial assistance from the state government to continue the two projects.
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