300 squatter homes demolished
Published on: Friday, August 09, 2024
By: Nora Ahmad
Among the houses that were demolished during the operation carried out by IPD Kota Kinabalu.
Kota Kinabalu: Nearly 300 squatter houses were demolished in a joint operation with Kota Kinabalu District Police.
District Police Chief Assistant Commissioner Kasim Muda said it targeted the demolition of houses occupied by illegal immigrants (Pati) in the district.
ADVERTISEMENT “We are currently making fewer arrests of Pati but are actively engaged in demolishing slums whereever they reside.
From May to August this year, 292 houses were demolished, including slums behind Kg Kalansanan, near a school, at Sulaman Jaya, behind the Trade Centre building and most recently in Kg Numbak,” Kasim said during a press conference at IPD Kota Kinabalu on Thursday.
He said the demolition involved 80 houses in Kg Numbak, all of which were occupied by Pati.
“This operation not only reduces the presence of Pati but also helps eliminate slums that have become hubs for criminal activities, including drug crimes, cable theft, and burglaries,” he said.
ADVERTISEMENT Kasim also issued a warning to employers who hire workers without valid documentation.
“After the demolition, we will focus on arresting Pati and the employers who hire them.
ADVERTISEMENT “We know these employers often hire illegal immigrants to pay lower wages, so we will take action under Section 55 of the Immigration Act against those who employ Pati,” he said.
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