Sandakan water solution will take 8 months
Published on: Saturday, August 10, 2024
By: Winnie Kasmir
Suhaimi assured that water is only supplied to residents after it is tested and confirmed safe by the Health Department. If tested unsafe, the Department would take immediate action.
SANDAKAN: The State Water Department reckon it will take six to eight months to solve the problem of high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level in water supply here.
Its Director, Suhaimi Asbullah, said the frequently opened rivergate at the Segaliud Water Treatment Plant, which supplies water to over 80 percent of Sandakan’s residents had been identified as the cause.
ADVERTISEMENT He disclosed this at a meeting with the Sandakan Water Watch Station Committee Chairman, Datuk John Khoo Cheo Ping; Sabah Environmental Protection Association (Sepa) Chairman, Alexandra Yee, and Secretary General Ben Golimbi.
During the meeting, John raised the growing concerns among the residents over the high TDS level in their water supply.
He stressed that the authorities should reveal a list of all soluble chemical substances found in Sandakan’s water supply and state if it contains fertilisers and herbicides because residents are worried over the safety and quality of the water they have been receiving.
He said the TDS value of the water supply should be below 100, similar to the standards in the West Coast of Sabah and other regions.
ADVERTISEMENT In response, Suhaimi said lowering the TDS levels in the water supply is not easy and would take up to eight months.
He said when the tide rises, the operation of the Segaliud rivergate becomes crucial. However, the rivergate is opened from time to time to let local fishermen in the area pass. Each time it is opened, it takes an hour until it can be closed again.
The frequency at which the rivergate is opened contributed to the increased volume of seawater entering the pump station, thus affecting the quality of the water reservoir and water supply.
However, Suhaimi assured that water is only supplied to residents after it is tested and confirmed safe by the Health Department. If tested unsafe, the Department would take immediate action.
Meanwhile, John said the Sandakan Water Watch Station Committee would meet the Sandakan District Health Officer to learn more about the contents of Sandakan’s water supply.
John also suggested the Department be transparent and publish the results of the water quality tests monthly, as the residents have the right to know.
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