Two Filipinos jailed for illegal possession of controlled items
Published on: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
By: Azmie Lim
The two accused at the court yesterday.
SEMPORNA: Two Filipinos were sentenced to 12 months each for illegally possessing controlled items.
The accused, Manan Ahmad, in his 30s, and Roslan Gapul, in his 50s, pleaded guilty before Tawau Sessions Court Judge Rosli Ahmad on Tuesday.
ADVERTISEMENT They were found guilty of committing the offence under Section 20(1) of the Control of Supplies Act 1961, punishable under Section 22(1) of the same Act.
The court also ordered both to be referred to the Immigration Department upon completing their sentence for further action.
Semporna Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) Chief Enforcement officer, Dr Jong Jee Leong, said the two accused were detained separately off Pulau Boheyan and Pulau Timba-Timba by the General Operation Force (GOF) team, before handing them over to KPDN for further action.
He said the accused did not possess identification documents and were found in possession of a total of 1,050 litres of petrol in 42 jerry cans on boats believed to be smuggled out to the neighbouring country.
ADVERTISEMENT Both of them did not also possess any licence for the controlled goods.
“KPDN Semporna will not compromise on activities involving the controlled items and will continue to increase enforcement to curb illegal activities involving controlled items,” he added.
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