Viral clip of Malaysian flag in Singapore draws strong reactions from netizens
Published on: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
By: Jessie Lee
As of now, there has been no official statement regarding the incident, but the video continues to circulate online, drawing more views and comments. (Screenshot: TikTok/@thesgdaily video)
Kota Kinabalu: A TikTok video showing a Malaysian flag displayed alongside Singapore ones at a flat in the neighbouring nation has sparked strong reactions online.
The video, tagged in Yishun Central, Singapore, features the caption "Malaysia boleh" and is set to the background music "We Will Get There", a theme song performed by artist Sun Yan-Zi in Sing Singapore 2002, a singing contest.
ADVERTISEMENT It was uploaded by @thesgdaily and lasts for six seconds. It has garnered 114,800 views at the time of writing.
The video has ignited a discussion on social media about the legality and appropriateness of displaying foreign flags in public spaces in Singapore.
“Can get fined!” said user @brenfebbren.
“Malaysia’s National Day is also on the 31st of this month,” said another user, @alvinng1962.
ADVERTISEMENT @bigdiginity suggested: “Make police report la.”
Publicly display of foreign national emblems without a permit is an offence under the Foreign National Emblems (Control of Display) Act 1949 in Singapore.
As of now, there has been no official statement regarding the incident, but the video continues to circulate online, drawing more views and comments.
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