KENINGAU: The signing ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) exchange programme between the Malaysian Pineapple Industrial Board (LPNM) and the Farmers’ Organisation Board (LPP) for cooperation in the development and expansion of the Malaysian pineapple industry in Sabah was held in conjunction with the Fama Fest 2024 Programme @ Sabah here on Sunday.
Director General of LPNM, Mohd Khairuzamri Md Salleh and Director General of LPP, Amir Matamin signed the MoU witnessed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup, Liawan Assemblyman, Datuk Annuar Ayub, LPNM and LPP officials.
The MoU aims to plan and develop new technologies and skills for the purpose of developing the pineapple industry; encouraging the development of new and up-to-date planting procedures related to the pineapple industry including the development of new species of pineapple plants; and cooperation in helping the development of the industry involves the entire industrial ecosystem related to activities and the pineapple plant industry and cooperation in the preparation of monitoring plans and technology transfer activities related to pineapple cultivation.
The MoU is effective for a period of three years from the date of signing.
Based on this memorandum, LPNM will also carry out specific cooperation with LPP for the Development of Pineapple Crops in Sabah.
Under this programme, initiatives in the form of plant materials, agricultural inputs, infrastructure and technology transfer will be channelled to the Area Farmers’ Organisation (PPK) for the development of pineapple plants.
PPK or registered and selected farmer members in this programme will be given appropriate initiatives according to the capacity of the farms they work on in stages.
While technology transfer through courses, capacity building and technical guidance will be implemented continuously to ensure that the participants who participate in this programme successfully produce quality and high productivity results.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) has introduced the SMART Programme based on five main cores that will help change and correct structural issues in the country’s agro-food ecosystem. Those cores are capacity, institutions, innovation, technology and collaboration.
In line with these cores, the collaboration between LPNM-LPP in Sabah will develop the MD2 Pineapple Plant Project as a pilot project for the Pesiangan Parliament.
The 5-acre project to be implemented by PPK Nabawan is expected to generate income of up to RM1 million for the first round from the sale of fruit and tendrils.
The area of the country’s pineapple plantations in 2022 is 17,803 hectares with the value of the country’s pineapple production amounting to RM933.44 million.
Sabah is the fourth largest pineapple growing state in Malaysia with an area of 1,115.90 hectares.
The area of pineapple plantations in this state covers 6.2pc of the entire pineapple plantation area in the country.
The country’s pineapple product export in 2022 is RM1.142 billion, increased to 3.25pc from RM 1.106 billion in 2021.
The country’s pineapple products consisting of fresh, canned, juice, ornamental and IAT products are exported to more than 20 countries. Among the main exported countries are Singapore, Egypt, UAE, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia.
Pineapple, which has been categorised as a new source of wealth for the country, is able to generate a better economy and income for farmers and entrepreneurs.
In addition, the Pineapple Industry has also been placed as one of the main focuses of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) in 2024.
This symbolises the manifestation of the importance of the pineapple industry in the country’s agro-food sector.