KUNAK: Kunak Assemblywoman, Datuk Norazlinah Arif, brought urged the Public Works Department (JKR), recently, to inspect Jalan Tingkayu which is currently maintained with gravel.
Sabah Works Minister, Datuk Ir Shahelmey Yahya, said among the suggestions of the Kunak Assemblyman is that Jalan Tingkayu be upgraded.
“During a site visit last Friday, Norazlinah proposed that Jalan Tingkayu be included in the priority list for phased upgrading (paving) work,” Shahelmey told Daily Express.
Previously, Norazlinah raised the issue of Jalan Tingkayu in a debate in the State Legislative Assembly which, according to her, had caused many incidences of vehicles in the interior to often break down.
Tingkayu road is also the main route for teachers from town to SK Ladang Binuang and vice versa for students who live in the estates who use the road to go to secondary schools in Madai and Kunak town.
In another development, Shahelmey was also brought to inspect the Lormalong Water Storage Tank located on the edge of the main Kunak-Lahad Datu Road, here.
“I understand that the Lormalong water storage tank is to supply treated water to the Madai Tank before being distributed to consumer channels,” said Shahelmey.
To stabilise the distribution of water supply which is disrupted by “direct tapping” in the main pipeline, the two storage tanks were built to distribute water supply to consumers, especially in villages in the Madai zone.