LABUAN: Sports buffs especially joggers are sorely missing the Labuan Sports Complex and fuming over its prolonged closure since Dec 2021, have called on the Public Works Department (PWD) not to offer lame excuses and speed up the refurbishments so that the facility could be used by the public without further delay.
When the complex was closed for major repairs at the cost of RM17.8 million it was also announced the project was scheduled to be completed by April 2024. It has taken more than three years and the stadium remains closed with a new opening date set for October 2025.
Veteran runner Alan Chin, 71, who is a regular participant of marathon races and won many medals, acting as spokesman for his team said: “The Ministry of Youth and Sports is not building a new sports complex that it should take more than four years to complete.
It was merely repairing and restoring an existing one and for this reason many find the delay unacceptable”.