THANKS to Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew. She has proven many sceptics wrong. She has made the impossible possible, i.e. Sabah can and now have our own SABAH MM2H!
It is common knowledge that the Federal Government’s previous MM2H versions, including the last revised one, has been a failure. It did not attract the desired target of applicants and was, it must be pointed out, uncompetitive/unattractive in comparison to the schemes of neighbouring countries.
The whole concept was out of sync with the global 2nd home trend. In fact, it was no way near it. It has to be said that the policy makers in KL were, sadly, very much out of tune with the real world.
Seeing the less than satisfactory result of MM2H, Christina, very wisely, sought ideas and advice, including legal advice on establishing Sabah MM2H in the context of the constitution.
Basing on the premise that tourism does not fall into any of the Lists [Federal and Sabah State] in the Federal Constitution, the idea of Sabah MM2H was born. Christina, being a lawyer herself, pushed for it.
Christina was very convinced as she was on this constitutional point and despite some bullying words from KL, pressed ahead and obtained State Cabinet approval for Sabah MM2H.

Hajiji backed her with his announcement.
As the saying goes, the rest is history.
[i] Most important point is that tourism, as stated above, is not on the Federal or State List. This being the case, the Federal MM2H is only a policy of the Federal Government. It is not a law passed by Parliament nor a constitutional provision. Sabah Government has the right to establish our own Sabah MM2H. Most importantly, Christina’s initiative means Sabah can have A to Z control over Sabah MM2H.
[ii] It should be pointed out that Sabah does not require to be delegated or empowered from Federal Ministry of Tourism. We should be very clear on this point. Sabah should lose no time to establish the authority by passing the necessary enactment for the implementation of Sabah MM2H.
[iii] Sabah MM2H, given Sabah’s distinctive advantages, can boost tourism, the present sluggish real property development, related industries and Sabah’s economy in general.
[iv] Sabah MM2H can attract investments and enhance business environment.
Suffice to say that years of political disarray and loss of focus on economic development, Sabahans have suffered tremendously.
What are the similarities between Sabah’s regain of rights in oil and gas, other MA63 rights and Sabah MM2H? Is there a watershed change that is happening in Sabah? Is Sabah heading into a new direction that can propel Sabah onto a new trajectory of development that Sabahans have not seen before?
Lesson No. 1 Looking at Hajiji’s evolving endeavour in regaining Sabah’s MA63 rights since 2021, Christina’s success in establishing Sabah’s rights to set terms and conditions, approve and control of our very own Sabah-MM2H is another milestone.
Lesson No. 2. No fight, no gain. That’s the main reason why Sabah has lost or failed to maintain our MA63 rights for many years. Past political leaders were overly meek and submissively, unwilling or too timid to speak out.
Things have changed since 2021. Both Hajiji and Christina have stood their ground for Sabah. They have prevailed against great adversities! They have shown that we can be winners if we can do our homework, armed ourselves with good advice and present our case well.
Future generations will view that Hajiji and Christina have changed the course of Sabah’s history.
Lesson No. 3. In oil and gas and Sabah MM2H, advice and strategies from professionals were sought to achieve the desired results.
Lesson No.4. In oil and gas and Sabah MM2H, both Hajiji and Christina have recognised, very correctly, that the issues were not political but economics and legal.
Lesson 5. The most important significance is that both Hajiji and Christina have depoliticized the issues. Very correctly, they have argued their cases on economic and legal fundamentals.
Lesson No. 6. The fact that no political leaders [including those in opposition] have opposed the government initiatives in resetting our rights is a most encouraging sign of political maturity and unity. To a certain extent and to their credits, they have joined in the fights for Sabah. Long may this continue.
All political leaders must unite on matters of existential economic interest for our future generations. Such unity, though implicit has been vital, in these 2 cases.
Get ready for the fight of a life time for Sabah’s other rights. Unrealistic to expect 1 person to finish the job within a short time. Losing them over 65 years was the easy part. Gaining them back is much harder. It is a generational fight for Sabah to be recognised as an equal/equitable 1/3 partner. Hajiji has started it. Every Sabahan must pull his weight behind Hajiji.
Here are some of the battles that must be fought and won:
40% net revenue share.
The mother of all battles. The deadline in July has come and gone. The Federal Government is as quiet as the cemetery. Why? Cos the Federal leaders are not taking our claim seriously or are trying to evade/ delay payment. Sabahans must back our leaders to demand action from the Federal Government.
If there is any hope of a resolution, Sabah must be united with one voice to demand immediate action from the Federal Government.
Sabahans must tell Anwar to sort this out before his next visit so that he can give us the good news. Anything else is inconsequential and quite meaningless. If it remains hanging beyond his next visit to Sabah, our faith in him as PM will diminish.
[ii] Equitable portion of Federal Government budget, economic development fund, an equitable say in fiscal and monetary policies for Sabah.
[iii] Sabah deserves some of the Foreign Direct Investments Anwar is bringing to Malaya. Nothing for Sabah. Why is Sabah being deprived/isolated?
[iv] Equitable representation in all federal GLCs, GLICs, statutory bodies and agencies.
[v] The Federal Ministry of Tourism should pay appropriate attention to promote Sabah. Allocate a portion of its budget for Christina.
Promote new airlines to land in KKIA. Fight for improvements in kampong-like KKIA.
[vi] Better infrastructures and schools, especially rural schools.
Surely, we won’t want to head downwards anymore. In any case, we can’t go further down as Sabah is already at the bottom of the league in economic performance among states for many years.
The only way is to recoup, fight our way back up again. To do this, we must be prepared to use our heads and unite to make SABAH GREAT AGAIN.
The views expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Daily Express.
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