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Certain quarters trying to bring me down, says Ayob Khan
Published on: Thursday, December 07, 2023
By: FMT, Faisal Asyraf
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Certain quarters trying to bring me down, says Ayob Khan
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay reminds top officers that change in the force begins with them. (Bernama pic)
Kuala Lumpur: Deputy Inspector-General of Police Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay today claimed that certain quarters were attempting to bring him down and tarnish his reputation through slander.

The former Johor police chief however said that he would stand his ground, welcoming any investigation into the accusations against him although providing no details on these.

“There are many slanderous statements and accusations against me (out there). To me, if (the authorities) want to investigate, please do so.

“Please investigate my wife, children, parents, and siblings, too,” he said at a forum in conjunction with Integrity Day 2023 at Menara Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang here.

Ayob said other top officers like Dang Wangi police chief Noor Dellhan Yahaya had been subject to slanderous claims as well, adding that certain parties were pushing to replace Dellhan with “their people”.

Ayob, who previously led Bukit Aman’s counter-terrorism division, also claimed that some police officers had tried to persuade him to close one eye on wrongdoings just before he took over the post of Johor police chief in 2020.

He said the officers asked him to ignore “certain things” and to “just follow” the way things were done there, a week before he moved to the southern state.

“There were people who said, ‘Datuk, you only take care of one thing, we take care of the rest.’ I asked them in return, what do you want to take care of? No, I will micro-manage.”

Ayob also reminded top officers that change in the force begins with them practising integrity and establishing “good cultures”.

“If the police chiefs lack integrity, how will they practise good cultures? It will be difficult, and the officers will also follow the bad culture,” he said.

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