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Armizan says Umno-Warisan tie-up won’t affect federal govt
Published on: Thursday, December 14, 2023
By: FMT, Elill Easwaran
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Armizan says Umno-Warisan tie-up won’t affect federal govt
Armizan Ali says he has no issue with Warisan and Umno joining forces to take on the ruling coalition in Sabah.
PUTRAJAYA: A Warisan and Sabah Umno alliance in the next state election will not affect the federal government, a leader of the ruling Gabungan Rakyat Sabah said.

Armizan Ali, the Papar MP, said the collaboration between the two parties would have no bearing on Putrajaya due to the memorandum of understanding signed by parties within the unity government.

“I don’t see the decision made by other parties at the state level affecting the unity government,” Armizan told reporters here today.

Earlier, Warisan president Shafie Apdal confirmed that his party and Sabah Umno would work together in the next state election to take on GRS.

The term of the current Sabah government will expire in October 2025. However, chief minister Hajiji Noor has hinted at the possibility of the next state election being held as early as next year.

Armizan also said he had no issue with Warisan and Umno joining forces to take on the ruling coalition in the state.

“It’s their right, so I won’t comment much. As for us, our focus – whether at the federal or state level – is to continue working for the people,” he said.

Shafie had said earlier that Warisan had invited Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR) and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) to team up with them, but the two GRS components rejected the offer.

Previously, Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin said the party was also considering forming a partnership with Parti Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat, the party led by former Warisan vice-president Peter Anthony.

In January, Bung led a failed attempt to remove Hajiji as chief minister, withdrawing support for the GRS chairman when Sabah Umno was a part of the state administration.

Sabah Umno had been reported to be in advanced talks with Shafie to unseat Hajiji’s government.

The move failed to materialise after six Sabah Umno assemblymen refused to lend their support. Hajiji then obtained the support of Sabah Pakatan Harapan, enabling GRS to remain in power.

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