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Transforming dreams into reality
Published on: Sunday, May 26, 2024
By: Dr T Selva
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Transforming dreams into reality
THE secret to life lies in our ability to achieve anything we desire by focusing our thoughts without a doubt. 

We can attract the outcomes we seek by visualising and affirming our intentions.

While this may sound simple, it can be challenging if you don’t know how to harness this power. 

This is the essence of manifestation, emphasising that we can turn our dreams and goals into reality. 

Many people have tried the method and have given up. What could be the reason?

One of the significant reasons they are unsuccessful could be doubt and not serious about their action.

Some claim to practice it but then laugh it off or playfully abandon what they had planned to do halfway through.

Doubt and lack of belief can undermine the process of manifestation. 

If individuals do not honestly believe in their ability to manifest their desires, their lack of confidence can hinder their efforts.

Another could be a lack of clarity about what they want. Their intentions can become unfocused. 

Clear direction is crucial in the manifestation process because it helps direct energy and effort toward a specific goal.

Manifestation requires consistent focus and effort, and inconsistent or half-hearted attempts can lead to mixed or no results.

Negative thoughts and emotions are another significant contributing factor that can interfere with the manifestation process. 

Maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on optimistic outcomes are essential for successful manifestation.

Several people get distracted while visualising their goals, lose their mental focus and lack action.

Be aware of subconscious blocks that can prevent manifestation from working. These might include feelings of unworthiness, fear of success, being in the company of negative people, or past traumas that must be addressed.

Consistent, aligned actions are vital to manifesting your desires.

The power of manifestation requires patience, and one should develop the strength not to give up too soon.

It is crucial to truly believe that you deserve what you are asking for and have faith that the universe will provide it.

My suggestion is to focus on asking for one specific thing. It could be related to money, a successful job interview, or something else meaningful to you.

It is best to do one at a time if you have more than one request to keep the energy focused and prevent confusion.

Some people have experienced immediate results, and this depends on the individual’s sincerity, purity, and clear focus.

Here is how you can tap into and benefit from the science of manifestation: *The Law of Attraction: It suggests that like attracts like. You can attract those things into your life by focusing on positive or desired outcomes. 

*Mental Imagery: Visualise your goals and desires as if they are already happening. Create a clear and vivid picture in your mind. 

*Vision Boards: Physical representations of your goals can help keep your intentions focused. Collect images and words representing what you want to achieve and display them where you’ll see them daily.

*Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your belief in your goals. Repeat statements that affirm your ability to achieve what you desire. 

*Present Tense: Phrase your affirmations as if they are already confirmed. For example, “I am successful and fulfilled in my career.” 

The science behind manifestation is often considered a spiritual or metaphysical practice, but certain aspects align with psychological principles related to cognitive, neuroplasticity and behavioural activation.

In short, manifestation is a blend of mindset, psychology, and action. 

While the metaphysical aspects may vary in acceptance, the underlying principles of positive thinking, goal setting, and consistent action are widely recognised for their effectiveness in achieving personal and professional success. 

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can harness the power of manifestation to create a reality that aligns with your deepest desires. 

Award-winning writer Dr T Selva is the author of the bestseller books Vasthu Sastra Guide and Secrets of Happy Living. To get a copy, WhatsApp 019-2728464. He can be reached at [email protected] / Facebook: Vasthu Sastra

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