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Liew urges shopping malls to emulate Kota Kinabalu Times Square
Published on: Monday, May 27, 2024
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Liew urges shopping malls to emulate Kota Kinabalu Times Square
Liew, flanked by Loh (right) and Yap, beating the gong to launch the event to the accompaniment of Sompoton music played by child performers.
Kota Kinabalu: State Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Datuk Christina Liew has suggested that shopping malls here emulate the move by KK Times Square to incorporate the rustic setting into their built environment for urban spaces to be in harmony with nature.

She said talented artists have the capacity to design and install art pieces to portray a striking representation of nature harmonising with urban life.

Liew made the suggestion after officiating the “Market Below The Wind - Bamboo Forest Within Cityscape Installation” event in conjunction with Pesta Kaamatan (Harvest Festival) at the KK Times Square on Saturday.

This remarkable and symbolic art installation, “Bamboo Forest Within Cityscape” is a collaborative effort by KK Times Square and Upcycle Shacked, a curator of art installation initiated by well-known Sabah architect Tressie Yap.

Yap designed and created the bamboo forest, featuring a 12-foot diameter and 10-foot high metal main frame, adorned with uniform 8-foot heights of hanging bamboo pieces and supported by bamboo grids above.

The Minister called on KK artists to think creatively about how we can blend art, nature, and urban living in ways that enhance our quality of life and foster a deeper connection with our environment.

“The theme ‘Bamboo Forest Within Cityscape’ is both innovative and thought-provoking, and creates a truly mesmerising visual experience. 

“Kudos to KK Times Square and Upcycle Shacked for an extraordinary art piece that integrates nature into our cityscape.

One can see that the fusion of metal and bamboo in this installation symbolises the potential for harmony between the built environment and the natural world.  

“As Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Environment, it fills me with immense pride to witness the convergence of art, nature, and urban life in such a harmonious and captivating manner. This installation is not just a piece of art, being a testament to the creative spirit and cultural richness that Sabah embodies,” Liew said.

“As we walk through this installation, we can feel the sensation of strolling through a dense bamboo grove, right in the heart of the city.”

Saying this art installation also beautifully correlates with the Harvest Festival, a significant cultural celebration in Sabah, she said Pesta Kaamatan is a time of thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest and a celebration of the harmonious relationship between nature and humanity. 

“Bamboo, often associated with strength, flexibility, and growth, is a fitting material to symbolise the spirit of Kaamatan. Its inclusion in this installation not only pays homage to our cultural traditions but also highlights the importance of utilising sustainable and natural materials in our artistic expressions.”

On material selection, Liew observed that natural bamboo was carefully selected for its environmental benefits and cultural significance. “It is a renewable resource that grows quickly and requires minimal resources, making it an excellent symbol for sustainability.” 

Noting that KK Times Square has established itself as a resilient commercial space, thriving as a dynamic hub of activity in Kota Kinabalu, she said: “Its ability to adapt and grow in the face of changing times speaks volumes about its significance in our community.

This installation is a beautiful and perfect addition to KK Times Square, enhancing its role as a centre for commerce, culture and community engagement.”

Meanwhile, Yap said she advocated introducing the “kampung element” (Bamboo Forest) into KK Times Square’s open spaces in an effort to bring nature into our urban environment.

Also present were Syarikat Kapasi Sdn Bhd Kevin Loh, KK Times Square Property Manager Belinda Chong, and Sabah Tourism Board (STB) Senior Marketing Manager Humphrey Ginibun.

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