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'Don't use P'pine names for kampungs in Sabah'
Published on: Wednesday, November 04, 2015
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HASSIM suggested that those granted citizenship but are caught and convicted for crimes, acting against Malaysia's and Sabah's interests should have not just have their citizenship but the whole family's revoked and deported as their allegiance is elsewhere.He cited a case during the height of the Ops Daulat operation in a primary School in Lahad Datu where a teacher scolded a nine year old (whose family had ICs but had roots from a neighbouring country) for making noise in class.

The pupil told off the teacher: "Cikgu ko tengok lar kolo ni Kiram dapat ni Sabah. Ko tengok lar apa nasib ko."

(Teacher, if the Kiram force take over Sabah, then you see what is your fate."

"Can you imagine if a nine year old can say such things. The parents must have drilled this into them so they don't forget (the notion that Sabah belongs to them)."

Hassim said one way to reduce these people coming here is to rename villages in the State which bear links to areas in the Philippines, like Kg Simunul where the Sulu terrorists killed 10 Malaysian police personnel conducting a raid.

"Change them to names such as Kg Bunga Raya or Kg Kinabalu instead because upon checking we discovered that the majority of inhabitants of Kg Simunul, Semporna, are actually from a place called Simunul, in the Tawi Tawi area in the Philippines.

"One only have to ask where is Kg Simunul (in the Philipines) and many will say 'oh I have many relatives there'. So this becomes a magnet for them to keep on coming here.

"He said it had the effect of encouraging them to make their way to a familiar sounding place where they have many relatives. If we change the names of these places they might be discouraged from coming because the name will carry a Malaysian (identity)."

On the claims on Sabah by the Sulu Sultanate, he revealed that the Royal Sulu Army is suspected to be planning a second invasion of Sabah known as the "Second Wave".

"Every week they are training at a camp in the Philippines to prepare themselves. Only time will tell."


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